Wednesday, August 22, 2012


 I have set aside ones that are growing unnoticed by men, great leaders for this season that My children are about to enter.

Some of them have been rejected by men, because they did not fit into their plans, I have ordained these '"looked over" ones to gain ground in My house. They seem to be misfits to most, in My house as well, but I have grown them as John, out in the wilderness without the influence of men, they are untainted.

They have sat at My feet and lived in My Presence that is why their ways are alien to the world and even peculiar to those in My house that have become stale and religious with their traditions and ceremonies."

I have made them to be beautiful and at the same time they have become a sharp threshing instrument, cutting all that stands in the way.

They will be multiplying in My house and will rise up and war on the behalf of the Kingdom, bringing many more who have been looking for where they belong.

They will grow in favor with Me and with all mankind causing many to turn and see what I have done with the wild and beautiful.

Just as the wildflower brings glory to the woods, so these wildflowers that I have planted will bring glory to the Kingdom. They are excited to be in My house and serve in My house. Their season is for a time in Me and nothing will stop their growth and their power to effect change to all they touch!

As the flower begins to fade, they will be transformed and be rooted in Me as stable trees! Marvel at the work of My hands and the army I have raised....says the Spirit of the Lord.
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"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch that doesn't produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned for greater fruitfulness by the message I have given you." (John 15:1-3)

"Behold, I will make you to be a new, sharp, threshing instrument which has teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and beat them small, and shall make the hills like chaff." (Is. 41:15)

(Source: Daughters of Z, Pastor Debra Lowe)

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